Our detective's "meeting" with pickpockets from Barcelona

Data: 04.06.2024


Autor: Detective Group

Detective on vacation

The holidays are approaching, and so is the time for trips around the country or abroad. The Detective Group Detective Agency warns and reminds that this is an increased period of activity of so-called pickpockets . They commit thefts most often in public transport, at train stations and airports.


The story we want to share with you took place last week during a private trip of one of our detectives to Barcelona in sunny Spain. We know perfectly well that such criminal groups operate there as well. Unfortunately, pickpockets from Poland also travel there, focused on bigger "profits". In this case, these "tourists" turned out to be guests most likely from Africa.


Detective on the move

Being at the Barcelona train station, tired from a day of sightseeing, like many other tourists, our detective also sat down on the stairs of the main hall to rest for a while. At one point, while taking pictures, he felt a strange presence of someone behind him. He looked back. Sensing that something was not as it should be – oh, that feeling when you realize you are being watched!

Directly behind him on the stairs was another middle-aged man. He seemed slightly embarrassed to realize he had been noticed.


Our detective automatically checked the waist bag slung over his shoulder. He noticed that it was already slightly unzipped. He thought that in a moment the wallet in the waist bag would have disappeared along with the aforementioned man. He decided to commemorate this event in a photo.



He began to look at the man more closely. He noticed that a few steps behind him stood another man, who was clearly working with him. His more than twenty years of experience in the police made him realize immediately that he was dealing with pickpockets.


Our detectives know perfectly well the division of their roles in the group engaged in robbing, among others, unaware tourists who are tired of everyday sightseeing.  

Pickpockets usually work in groups, where each has a specific task.  
Usually, there are 2 or 3 people and they are:

– “worker” – who robs directly;

– “tycer” or the one who observes the victim, points it out to the “worker”, sometimes creating an artificial crowd, and;

– a “horse” who receives stolen items from a “worker” and immediately leaves the scene of the crime.


These roles can be combined, which allows the number of criminals to be modified. In this case, there were two of them. The man directly behind our detective had a large paper bag in one of his hands. This is a so-called "hanger" . It is supposed to cover the place of theft from the view of third parties. Thanks to this, the moment of theft itself is visible and controlled only by the thief.


A thief stomping his victim


After our detective began to take a closer look at the man, who clearly wanted to rob him, he left. His partner immediately took his place. Wanting to interrupt their plans, he signaled to the other man that he was watching them by pointing at him and his friend. The man, clearly irritated, also left, showing our hero the middle finger. Apparently showing him in this way a common expression of sympathy and respect for another person in his circles :). This is where the story ended. 



Of course, we do not recommend this method to anyone because it can result in some form of unforeseen aggression. In such a case, it is best to calmly walk away from such a place. You should observe whether pickpockets are following you. For your own and others' safety, look around and check if there is a police patrol nearby. The ideal solution is to call the local emergency number with such information.


Before the described situation occurred, we managed to conduct a short observation ;). We captured a man with a paper bag, who was trying to pick out his next victim.


With the above in mind, the Detective Group Detective Office in Warsaw appeals… Let’s pay special attention to our wallets and luggage during holiday trips.

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